250,000 logged with Roundtrip!

We’re excited to announce that after 1 year on the App Store we have had over 250,000 trips logged using our app!

Over 250k trips logged

This is a huge milestone for us, and we’re excited to be able to help make it easier for NSW learners and their supervisors spend more time practicing and less time filling out a paper logbook.


Interested in more stats?

Well, the total number of trips recorded in the app add up to about 150,000 hours of practice from over 13,000 learners.

In the last 28 days we’ve had over 31,000 trips added, and this number continues to grow.

What’s in store for 2019?

We’re working hard on updating the app and have a number of new features that we’re looking forward to releasing in 2019. This includes adding account synchronisation, as well as working on an Android version of the app.

If you have any questions about our app, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

If you’re a NSW learner driver and aren’t using our app yet, then just click here to download it for iPhone.